You create a user account when you want a person to have access to the EcoStruxure BMS.
In WebStation, click Open workspace menu .
Click System.
Click Domains .
Click the Domain where you want to create the user.
Click Users .
In the Users pane, click Add .
In the User name box, type the user name.
In the Password box, type the password.
In the First name box, type the first name.
In the Middle name box, type the middle name.
In the Last name box, type the last name.
In the Home email box, type the home email address.
In the Work email box, type the work email address.
Click the Access tab
In the Disable field, select True to disable the account.
In the Force password change field, select True to force the user to change the password the next time the user logs on.
In the Expiration box, enter the expiration date for the user account.
In the Member of box, select the user groups you want the user to be a member of.
Click the Appearance tab.
In the Language list, select the language.
In the Date, time and number format list, select the date, time and number format.
In the System of measurement list, select the system of measurement.
In the Relative Time field, enter how to handle relative time.
In the Dark Mode field, enter how to handle dark mode.
In the Size Mode field, enter the size of fonts and icons.
In the Workspace Layout field, select the workspace.
Click Save .