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Produits : AS-L, AS-B, Enterprise Central, Enterprise Server, AS-P, Project Configuration Tool
Fonctionnalités : Localisation
Version produit : 2.0, 2.1, 3.0, 3.1

Delta Temperature Conversion

The conversion between ​Celsius and Fahrenheit or ​Fahrenheit and Kelvin is not a simple ​coefficient (multiplier) like other unit categories as for example length, pressure, currency, and Energy. Due to the conversion formula when for example converting an absolute ​Fahrenheit temperature to Celsius​, T​°F=T​°C x 9/5 + 32, ​ you have both a multiplier and an offset to consider. To correctly convert a delta temperature from ​​Fahrenheit to ​Celsius​ you have to use the formula ΔT°F = 9/5 ΔT°C.

If you set a delta temperature to a unit within the unit category Temperature, EcoStruxure Building Operation software incorrectly converts the value as an absolute temperature. By setting the delta temperature to a unit within the unit category Temperature Diff, EcoStruxure Building Operation software correctly converts the delta value.


Temperature A: 23°C (73.4°F)

​Temperature B: -18​°C (​-0.4°F)

Diff Temperature = Temperature B - Temperature A

-18​°C - 23°C = 41°C

-0.4°F - 73.4°F = 73.8°F

Incorrect delta conversion

Inccorrect conversion of a delta temperature from ​​Celsius to ​Fahrenheit, when the unit of the value in EcoStruxure Building Operation software is set to °C.

T​°F=T°C x 9/5 + 32:

41°C x 9/5 + 32= 108.8°F

The correct delta value is 73.8°F, not 108.8°F .

Correct delta conversion

Correct conversion of a delta temperature ​​from ​​Celsius to ​Fahrenheit, when the unit of the value in EcoStruxure Building Operation software is set to ​Δ°C.

​ΔT​°F=​​​ΔT°C x 9/5:

​Δ41​​°C x 9/5= ​​Δ​​73.8​​°F

The conversion results in the correct delta value of ​​​​73.8°F.


By default, units are converted automatically depending on your operating system's regional settings. You can also select to display values in units according to the International System of Units (SI), the United States Customary Units (US), or as configured in the connected objects, that is, the original unit of the value. Pour plus d'informations, voir Units .

  • The EcoStruxure Building Operation software converts the unit of a variable independent of its context. To correctly convert a delta temperature, the unit of the delta value must belong to the unit category Temperature Diff.

  • Adding or Changing a Unit and Prefix for a Value
  • Units
  • Select Unit Dialog Box