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Products: AS-B, Edge Server, Enterprise Central, Enterprise Server, AS-P, Virtual Project Servers
Functionalities: Alarms
Product version: 2024, 7.0

Enumeration Alarms

​An enumeration is a variable with labeled values; different variables have different enumerations. When configuring an enumeration alarm, you configure the variable and its enumerations to monitor.

For example, you create an enumeration alarm that monitors the reliability variable of an I/O point. The alarm is configured to trigger when the reliability variable has an enumeration that indicates the value generated by the I/O point is unreliable.

Enumeration alarms can be configured using shunt variable and time delay. For more information, see Alarm Functions .

  • Alarm Types
  • Alarms Overview
  • Alarm Functions
  • Enumeration Alarm Properties – Basic Tab
  • Creating an Enumeration Alarm