Use the Event Archive to view all events that have passed during the running time of the SmartStruxure server.
Column |
Description |
Displays the object type that defines the properties of the object. |
Displays the trend or event sequence number. |
TimeStamp |
Displays the date and time when the event was generated. |
Description |
Displays the description of the object. |
EventGUID |
Displays the unique identity of the event. |
OriginatedGUID |
Display the unique identity of the source. |
Source |
Displays the path of the source object. |
SourceServer |
Displays the path where the object is located. |
Note |
Displays the text added to the object in the Note 1 property. |
SystemEventId |
Displays the event identity generated by the system. Per maggior informazioni, consulta Event and Alarm Enumerations . |
DomainName |
Displays the domain the user belongs to. |
UserName |
Display the name of the user that generated the event. |
UniqueUserId |
Displays the identity of the user that generated the event. |
ValueBefore |
Displays the value of an object before it was changed. |
ValueAfter |
Displays the value of an object after it was changed. |
AssignedState |
Displays alarms that have been assigned to and accepted by any user or group. Per maggior informazioni, consulta Event and Alarm Enumerations . |
MonitoredVariable |
Displays the path of the monitored variable |
PreviousAlarmState |
Displays the previous alarm state. Per maggior informazioni, consulta Event and Alarm Enumerations . |
AlarmState |
Displays the present state of the alarm. Per maggior informazioni, consulta Event and Alarm Enumerations . |
TriggeredTimestamp |
Displays the time and date of the last state transfer from normal state to alarm state. |
EvaluationState |
Displays the present evaluation state of the alarm. Per maggior informazioni, consulta Event and Alarm Enumerations . |
MonitoredValue |
Displays the value of the monitored variable. |
Priority |
Displays the current priority level of the alarm state. |
Count |
Displays the number of times the alarm has toggled between the alarm and reset state. |
AcknowledgeTime |
Displays the time and date when the alarm was acknowledged. |
BasicEvaluationState |
Displays the alarm state. False represents the alarm is in normal state. Per maggior informazioni, consulta Event and Alarm Enumerations . |
Hidden |
Displays False if the object is shown. Per maggior informazioni, consulta Event and Alarm Enumerations . |
Category |
Displays the category name of the alarm. |
DisabledCause |
Displays the cause of the disabled alarm. Per maggior informazioni, consulta Event and Alarm Enumerations . |
ServerOffline |
Displays the online status of the SmartStruxure server. Per maggior informazioni, consulta Event and Alarm Enumerations . |
UniqueAlarmId |
Displays the unique identity of the alarm. |
AlarmText |
Displays the alarm messages that are added to the alarm. |
Command |
Displays the executed command that generated the event. |
AssignedToDomain |
Displays the domain the user or group that the alarm is assigned to. |
AssignedToName |
Displays the name of the user or group that the alarm is assigned to. |
AssignedToUniqueUserId |
Displays the ID of the user or group that the alarm is assigned to. |
GroupName |
Displays the name of the cause note or action note that has been edited. |
ItemName |
Displays the checklist, cause note group, or action note group items that have been edited. |
BACnetEventType |
Displays the BACnet event. Per maggior informazioni, consulta Event and Alarm Enumerations . |
SystemAlarmId |
Displays the alarm ID generated by the system when an alarm is triggered. Per maggior informazioni, consulta Event and Alarm Enumerations . |
Comment |
Displays the comment that has been added to an alarm. |