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Produkter: WorkStation, WebStation
Funktionaliteter: Larm
Produktversion: 2.0, 2.1, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 2022, 2023

Alarm Acknowledgements

When you acknowledge an alarm, you let other users know that you have seen the alarm. Acknowledging an alarm does not necessarily mean that you are responsible for solving the cause of the alarm.

When you acknowledge an alarm the color of the alarm in the Alarms pane changes. In WebStation the alarm symbol also changes.

An acknowledged alarm does not disappear from the Alarms pane list.

You can acknowledge one alarm or many alarms at the same time.

  • How Alarms Work
  • Alarms Pane and Alarm View
  • Alarms Pane Context Menu
  • Alarms Pane and Alarm View Toolbar
  • Acknowledging an Alarm
  • Mass Acknowledging Alarms in WebStation