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Productos WorkStation, WebStation
Funcionalidades: Tendencias
Versión del producto: 2024, 7.0

How Trend Logs Work

arrow1_rotationTrend Charts arrow1_rotationTrend Log Lists in WorkStation arrow1_rotationTrend Log Lists in WebStation arrow1_rotationTrend Logs in WebStation

You use trend logs to record values from devices, such as sensors. A trend log can also log consumptions, such as energy consumption or water consumption.

You can view a trend log as a trend log list or as a trend chart.

action_zoom_plus_stroke A trend list (upper left) and a trend chart (bottom right) in WorkStation
Figura: A trend list (upper left) and a trend chart (bottom right) in WorkStation

You can copy trend data between EcoStruxure BMS databases by exporting trend log data from a trend log list to an .XML file and then importing the trend log data from the .XML file to a trend log.

The .XML file contains a time stamp, value, and comment for each record. The file also contains the locale setting that you can edit in the .XML file.

action_zoom_plus_stroke Trend log list exported to an .XML file
Figura: Trend log list exported to an .XML file

Para obtener más información, consulte Importing Log Data to a Trend Log .

Trend Charts

Trend charts are a way to graphically present trend logs. A trend chart can contain one or more trend logs that are represented in the trend chart by lines or bars.

Para obtener más información, consulte How Trend Charts Work .

Trend Log Lists in WorkStation

A trend log list displays all values in the trend log in a list.

Para obtener más información, consulte Trend Log Lists in WorkStation .

Trend Log Lists in WebStation

A trend log list displays all values in the trend log in a list.

Para obtener más información, consulte Trend Log Lists in WebStation .

Trend Logs in WebStation

A trend log is a collection of time-stamp values. In WebStation, you can create a trend log from a value or from a property in an object.

Para obtener más información, consulte How Trend Logs Work in WebStation .

  • WorkStation Overview
  • Building Operation WebStation Overview
  • How Trend Charts Work
  • Trend Log Lists in WorkStation
  • Trend Log Lists in WebStation
  • How Trend Logs Work in WebStation
  • Trend Logs
  • Exporting a Trend Log List to XML format
  • Importing Log Data to a Trend Log