The meter trend log is a variable triggered trend log with extra functionality to seamlessly handle consumption calculations independent of meter rollover or meter exchange.
Für weitere Informationen siehe Variable Triggered Trend Logs .
You create and configure meter trend logs using WorkStation.
For example, in the figure below, the meter trend log records a meter the 1st of every month. In the middle of February the meter rolls over to 00000. A chart with meter consumption calculation prints the consumption every month.
When physically replacing an old meter with a new one, you have to configure the meter trend log by adding the settings of the old meter and new meter in the Manage replacement of meter dialog box in WorkStation. These settings are the foundation to handle a meter rollover or calculating consumption though meter replacement. Für weitere Informationen siehe Manage Replacement of Meter Dialog Box .
In order for a meter rollover to be managed correctly in the meter trend log and to ensure logging starts at the correct energy reading value, you enter previous meter and new meter information in the Manage replacement of meter dialog box. Für weitere Informationen siehe Managing Replacement of a Meter .