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Продукты: AS-B, Edge Server, Enterprise Central, Enterprise Server, AS-P, Project Configuration Tool
Функции: Сигналы тревоги
Версия продукта: 2024, 7.0


arrow1_rotationAlarm Substitution Codes arrow1_rotationNotification Distribution Methods arrow1_rotationNotification Reports arrow1_rotationNotification Workflow arrow1_rotationDate and Time Formatting arrow1_rotationText Formatting arrow1_rotationXLSX Reports arrow1_rotationReports Job Queue

Notifications are used for notifying users or user groups that a certain alarm or other event, such as a schedule or an application condition, has occurred in the system. ​The notification contains a prewritten message that can be displayed as a popup message, sent as an email, sent to an SNMP manager, or written to a text file.

There are two types of notifications:

  • alarm triggered notifications

  • variable triggered notifications

Alarm triggered notifications are based on alarm filter conditions that have to be met before the notification is triggered.

Variable triggered notifications are based on a variable whose condition (true, false, or both) has to be met before the notification is triggered. You can also trigger notifications manually by using the trigger notification command.

  • You have to have permissions to the alarm that triggered the notification to receive an alarm triggered notification as a client notification or via email.

action_zoom_plus_stroke A notification is triggered and sends a notification report using one or more distribution methods
Рисунок: A notification is triggered and sends a notification report using one or more distribution methods

When setting up the notification, you configure the message text and the conditions that trigger the notification. When configuring the notification message text, you can use substitution codes to add current system information. For more information, see Alarm Substitution Codes 

If you want a schedule condition to be met before the notification is enabled, you can add a schedule to the notification. For example, you only want an email to be sent on weekends. You configure the active value to match the value of a multistate schedule when the notification is to be active. This only applies for alarm triggered notifications.

In a multi-server system, a notification object created on the Enterprise Server or on the Enterprise Central notifies on alarms triggered in the child servers. The advantage of creating the notification object on the Enterprise Server or on the Enterprise Central is that you do not need to create separate notification objects for each child server server.

You can configure the notification so that it is localized to any language for which a language pack is available on the server. The default language is US English. If you choose to localize the notification, enumerations and display names are translated with the correlating names available in the language pack.

You can configure the notification to use any of the following decimal separators:

  • '.' (period)

  • ',' (comma)

By default, the decimal separator is '.' (period).

Alarm Substitution Codes

Alarm substitution codes represent the information you want to dynamically add to alarm messages and notifications when an alarm is triggered.

Более подробную информацию см. Alarms Substitution Codes .

Notification Distribution Methods

There are four different ways to distribute a notification to a recipient:

  • Client

  • Email

  • SNMP

  • Write to File

Более подробную информацию см. Notification Distribution Methods .

Notification Reports

You can configure notification reports to include important information on the EcoStruxure BMS. Notification reports are distributed when a notification is triggered.

Более подробную информацию см. Notification Reports .

Notification Workflow

Use the notification workflow to create a notification including a notification report template.

Более подробную информацию см. Notification Report Workflow .

Date and Time Formatting

You can customize how date and time are presented in a notification text or a notification report text.

Более подробную информацию см. Date and Time Formatting  .

Text Formatting

You can customize the presentation of decimals, value types, width, and alignment in a notification text or a notification report text.

Более подробную информацию см. Text Formatting .

XLSX Reports

XLSX Report is a simplification of the Notification report function. Instead of creating trigger-notification objects and report template objects you create a XLSX Report object. The XLSX Template, which contains an XLSX document, is created for you and stored as a sub object of the XLSX report object.

Более подробную информацию см. XLSX Reports Overview .

Reports Job Queue

Ongoing notification reports jobs can be monitored in the Reports Job Queue. Ongoing jobs can also be canceled.

Более подробную информацию см. Canceling an Ongoing Notification Reports Job .

  • Alarm Functions
  • Alarms Substitution Codes
  • Notification Distribution Methods
  • Notification Reports
  • Creating an Alarm Triggered Notification
  • Configuring an Alarm Triggered Notification 
  • Creating a Variable Triggered Notification
  • Configuring a Variable Triggered Notification
  • Alarm Triggered Notification Properties - Basic Tab
  • Alarm Triggered Notification View
  • Create Object Wizard – Configure Alarm Triggered Notification Page
  • Variable Triggered Notification Properties - Basic Tab
  • Variable Triggered Notification View
  • Create Object Wizard – Configure Variable Triggered Notification Page
  • Date and Time Formatting 
  • Notification Report Workflow
  • Manually Triggering a Notification
  • Date and Time Formatting 
  • Text Formatting
  • XLSX Reports Overview
  • Canceling an Ongoing Notification Reports Job