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Produkter: AS-B, AS-P, Project Configuration Tool
Funktionaliteter: Grundläggande funktionalitet
Produktversion: 3.3, 2022

Automation Server Replacement Using Restore Workflow

Use the workflow to duplicate the automation server from a backup set.

action_zoom_plus_stroke Duplicate automation server using restore flowchart
Figur: Duplicate automation server using restore flowchart
Copy automation server Backup Set to WorkStation

Save the most current backup set of the automation server that you want to replace to WorkStation.

Mer information finns i Saving an Automation Server Backup Set to Another Location .

Add new automation server to network and configure communication settings

Add the new automation server to the network and configure the IP address.

Mer information finns i Configuring an Automation Server to Use DHCP .

Mer information finns i Configuring the Automation Server IP Address .

Log on to automation server using WorkStation

Mer information finns i Logging on to WorkStation as an EcoStruxure Building Operation User .

Import backup set

Import the backup set to the new automation server.

Mer information finns i Importing a Backup Set to Automation Server .

Restore new automation server using the imported Backup Set

Restore the new automation server using the imported backup set.

Mer information finns i Restoring the EcoStruxure BMS Server .


If the automation server does not go online, you can manually recreate the automation server or restore the connections between the Enterprise Server and the automation server. Mer information finns i Automation Server Remains Offline After Restore .

The Restore process automatically renames the automation server and specifies the objects and properties that the automation server uses to reestablish links and go online.

  • Restore
  • Automation Server Replacement Using Restore
  • Backup Sets
  • Saving an Automation Server Backup Set to Another Location
  • Configuring an Automation Server to Use DHCP
  • Configuring the Automation Server IP Address
  • Logging on to WorkStation as an EcoStruxure Building Operation User
  • Importing a Backup Set to Automation Server
  • Restoring the EcoStruxure BMS Server
  • Automation Server Remains Offline After Restore