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Produkte: AS-C, AS-B, Enterprise Server, AS-P, Projekt Configuration Server, Project Configuration Tool
Funktionen: Basisfunktionalität
Produktversion: 1.8

Object Properties

Every object in Building Operation has a lot of different properties. There are three ways to access the properties of a selected object in WorkStation:

  • Properties tab

  • Properties Dialog box

  • Properties grid

All three methods displays the same properties.

action_zoom_plus_stroke The Properties tab for a trend log.
Abbildung: The Properties tab for a trend log.

Properties can be of two different types: read only and read/write. Read only properties are dimmed and cannot be changed. Read/write properties can be changed by the operator.

The properties are sorted under different tabs in the properties tab/dialog/grid. The number of tabs depends on the object. Some object have a lot of properties and tabs, others have only one tab with only a few properties.

action_zoom_plus_stroke A SmartStruxure server object with three properties tabs (left) and a value with only the basic properties tab.
Abbildung: A SmartStruxure server object with three properties tabs (left) and a value with only the basic properties tab.

A common tab for all objects is the Basic properties tab that contains general properties as type, name and description.