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Prodotti: WorkStation
Funzionalità: Funzionalità di base
Versione del prodotto: 2.0, 2.1, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 2022, 2023

Apertura di una visualizzazione eventi specifica per un oggetto

Puoi visualizzare tutti gli eventi relativi a un oggetto specifico o una sezione specifica.


Il filtro standard specifico dell'oggetto può rimpicciolire solamente ciò che viene visualizzato nella Visualizzazione evento.

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You can style certain events to bring out those that are of more interest than other events listed in the Events pane and Event Views. To style a specific event, you first have to create a condition that is associated with the events you want to style. An event can be styled with a unique background color, font, and font color.

For example, you can style all events where an alarm is acknowledged. To separate this event from others you configure, change the background color to dark green and the font color to white. All other events have the default style which is a white background and black font color.

If an event fulfills the condition criteria in more than one of the configured event criteria, it is the event style with highest priority in the Events View Style dialog box that is applied to the event.

Events styling does not apply to WebStation and does not affect the events in WebStation.

Event View standard filter and layout

A standard layout defines the columns that are included in the Alarms pane, Events pane, Alarm View, or Event View, the order in which they are displayed, whether or not the alarms or events are grouped in any way and whether they are displayed in an ascending or descending order. A standard filter defines the conditions that have to be met before the alarms or events are displayed in the pane or a View. The standard layout and filter is saved for the pane or View to which you made the changes. The standard layout and filter is displayed for all users of the the EcoStruxure BMS.

Per maggior informazioni, consulta Alarm View and Event View Standard Filter and Layout .

Per aprire una visualizzazione eventi specifica per un oggetto
  1. In WorkStation, nella Struttura di sistema , seleziona l'oggetto per il quale desideri visualizzare gli eventi.

  2. Nel menù Azioni , punta su Vista e fai clic su Eventi o Eventi in questo branch .

  • How Events Work
  • Riquadro Eventi e Vista evento
  • Riquadro Eventi e barra degli strumenti Visualizzazione evento
  • Actions Menu