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Produits : AS-L, AS-B, Enterprise Central, Enterprise Server, AS-P, Project Configuration Tool
Fonctionnalités : Gestion des utilisateurs
Version produit : 2.0, 2.1, 3.0, 3.1

Panel Components

You use a panel to combine different viewable windows, for example, a graphic, trend chart, report, or another panel into a seamless view. A panel consists of one or several panes and one work area.  The panel is available through the System Tree pane and opens as a window in the work area of the current workspace.

action_zoom_plus_stroke Example of panel components
Figure : Example of panel components

In the procedure when creating a panel, you link existing objects to the panes or workspace that is added within the panel. Therefore, you have to first create the object, for example a trend chart, before you add or rather link in the object into the panel. You can define whether to show or hide a pane's toolbar.

  • A panel cannot contain a System Tree pane.

  • A maximum of six levels of panels are allowed in a single pane. However, the recommendation for a good user experience is to only use three levels.

In a graphic or in the content of a pane or work area, you can create links that point to a panel. ​By using panels, you streamline the information you want to present to the user. For example, you have a graphic that represents a room. In the room illustration, you add a fan symbol to which you link a panel containing panes and a work area that displays the current room airflow and temperature.

You can use a navigation pane to build a customized structure for navigation. The navigation pane can be used in a panel. Pour plus d'informations, voir Customized Navigation .

  • Panel Properties
  • Creating a Panel
  • Graphics Editor
  • Workspace Management
  • Customized Navigation