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Produkte: AS-C, AS-B, Enterprise Server, AS-P, Projekt Configuration Server, Project Configuration Tool
Funktionen: Lokalisierung
Produktversion: 1.8

Precision Format

​Values in Building Operation are stored in the Building Operation database with all input decimals. If a stored value consists of more decimals than the operating system is defined to display, the value is rounded off according to the operating system settings before it is displayed in WorkStation.

For example, you enter the length 6.5282 m (21.4179 ft) to a variable in Building Operation. When you press Enter or OK, the value changes to 6.53 m (21.41 ft). This becouse of your operating system, in this example, is defined to display only two decimals The input value 6.5282 m (21.4179 ft) is stored in the Building Operation database but is round off to 6.53 m (21.41 ft) when it is displayed.

  • The rounded value is only a display value and is not used by Building Operation in calculations or other operations.

If an integer value exceeds 12 digits (10 12 ), both positive and negative numbers, WorkStation displays the value in scientific notation. The number of digits for a decimal number before it is displayed in scientific notation is decided by the regional settings of the operating system settings where WorkStation is installed.

  • Value Presentation
  • Regional and Language Overview
  • Configuring Regional Settings