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Prodotti: AS-C, AS-B, Enterprise Server, AS-P, Project Configuration Server, Project Configuration Tool
Funzionalità: Programmi orari
Versione del prodotto: 1.8

Schedule Colors in WorkStation

arrow1_rotationBasic Schedule View arrow1_rotationAdvanced Schedule View

A schedule has a color code so you can identify weekly events and exception events at a glance. This color code can assist you when you are modifying your schedule or trying to troubleshoot any problems.

Basic Schedule View

In the Event grid, weekly events and exception events display in distinct colors to clearly identify them. Similar events that are next to each other are highlighted in different shades of the same color so you can easily see the start and stop time. For example, a meeting scheduled from 7:00 to 11:00 is dark green while the weekday event from 11:00 to 15:15 is in light green. In the Calendar view, you can view the weekly events and exception events across several months and the selected day in black.

action_zoom_plus_stroke Basic Schedule Editor colors
Figura: Basic Schedule Editor colors

Tabella: Basic Schedule Editor Colors




Event grid: default value


Event grid: weekly events


Event grid: exception events

Light blue

Calendar view: exception events


Calendar view: selected day

Priority Level Conflicts

The Event grid also highlights a conflict in dark blue if there are two exception events that overlap on the same day and have different values, but are set at the same priority level.

action_zoom_plus_stroke Priority level conflict
Figura: Priority level conflict

Per maggior informazioni, consulta Priorities .

Advanced Schedule View

In the Event gride, weekly and exception events are both green in the Advanced Schedule. Events that are next to each other in the schedule are presented in different intensities of green so you can easily see the start and stop time of these events. In the Calendar view, you can view the weekly events and exception events across several months and the selected day in dark blue.

action_zoom_plus_stroke Advanced Schedule Editor colors
Figura: Advanced Schedule Editor colors

Tabella: Advanced Schedule Editor Colors




Event grid: default value


Event grid: weekly events


Event grid: exception events

Light blue

Calendar view: exception events

Dark blue

Calendar view: selected day

  • Schedules Overview
  • Schedule Editor Overview
  • Priorities
  • Schedule Editor ​– Basic View
  • Advanced Schedule Editor – Graphic View