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产品: AS-B, Edge Server, Enterprise Central, Enterprise Server, AS-P, WorkStation, Project Configuration Tool
功能: 时间表
产品版本: 2023

时间表事件属性对话框 - 计算的例外视图

使用 时间表事件属性 对话框中的 计算的例外视图 计划重复的例外。

action_zoom_plus_stroke 时间表事件属性对话框 - 计算的例外视图
图: 时间表事件属性对话框 - 计算的例外视图

表格: 时间表事件属性对话框 - 计算的例外视图




点击 例外 可显示例外类型。


为例外类型选择 已计算 以应用到时间表。


Click to add a line to the Times and values box.


Click to delete an entry from the Times and values box.


Select to create an all day event.


Type a name for the event.


Select a priority number between 1 (highest priority) and 16 (lowest priority).

显示 任意年 ,即计算的例外视图的默认值。

Select a month for the exception event or Odd month , Even month , Any month .


Select a week of the month for the exception event or First week , Second week , Third week , Fourth week , Last week , Any week .

  • First week – the first through the seventh day of the month. The second week is then considered day of month eight through fourteen and so on. Since the dates do not necessarily correspond to the first row of the calendar, they may include dates from both the first and second row of the calendar.

  • Fifth week – days 29 through 31 if they exist. It is always less than seven days and is non-existent in February except in a leap year.

  • Last week – the last seven days of the month. It differs from the Fifth wee k .


Select a week of the month for the exception event or First week , Second week , Third week , Fourth week , Last week , Any week .

  • First week – the first through the seventh day of the month. Be aware that it does not necessarily correspond to the first row of the calendar since it may include dates from both the first and second row of the calendar.

  • Fifth week – days 29 through 31 if they exist. It is always less than seven days and is non-existent in February except in a leap year.

  • Last week – the last seven days of the month. It differs from the Fifth wee k .


Select a day of the week. Setting the value to Any Day ensures consistency with the rest of the date specification, this is the recommended setting.

  • WorkStation 中的例外事件