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Products: AS-B, Edge Server, Enterprise Central, Enterprise Server, AS-P, WorkStation, Virtual Project Servers, WebStation
Functionalities: Schedules
Product version: 2023

Schedule Types

arrow1_rotationAnalog Schedules arrow1_rotationDigital Schedules arrow1_rotationMultistate Schedules

You can create three types of schedules: Digital, Multistate, or Analog. You create a digital schedule if the schedule needs to control a device with two output states, such as On or Off. You create a multistate schedule if the schedule needs to control a device that has output states based on multiple states, such as low, medium, or high. You create an analog schedule if the schedule controls a device that gauges the output in real numbers.

You create schedules using WorkStation.

Analog Schedules

An analog schedule controls a device that gauges the output in real numbers. The real numbers include positive or negative numbers, fractions, and decimal values.

For more information, see Analog Schedules .

Digital Schedules

A digital schedule controls a device that has an on output state and an off output state.

For more information, see Digital Schedules .

Multistate Schedules

A multistate schedule controls a device that has output states based on integers or positive whole numbers including zero.

For more information, see Multistate Schedules .

  • Schedules Overview
  • Analog Schedules
  • Digital Schedules
  • Multistate Schedules