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产品: AS-B, Edge Server, Enterprise Central, Enterprise Server, AS-P, Project Configuration Tool
功能: 警报
产品版本: 2024, 7.0

Alarms Substitution Codes

arrow1_rotationAlarm Messages

Alarms substitution codes represent the information you want to display when a notification report is triggered. The information is dynamically filled in from the alarms that are included in the notification report.

表格: Alarms Substitution Codes for Notification Reports






Writes the user that acknowledged the alarm.


Writes the time the alarm was acknowledged.


Writes an indicator if the BACnet alarm requires acknowledgement.


Writes the message discribing the action.


Writes the information about activation of the alarm enrollment.


Writes the present state of the alarm.


Writes the alarm messages that are added to the alarm.


Writes the unique ID of the user the alarm is assigned to.


Writes the current assigned state the alarm is in. The possible values are Unassigned, Assigned, and Accepted.


Writes the name of the user or group that the alarm is assigned to.


Writes the domain of the user or group that the alarm is assigned to.


Writes the BACnet event type for this alarm.


Writes whether the BACnet notification was an alarm or event.


Writes if the alarm is active or not.


Writes the category name of the alarm.


Writes the second category name of the alarm.


Writes the value which was commanded for a BACnet command failure alarm.


Writes an indication whether a BACnet notification was issued as a confirmed or unconfirmed BACnet message.


Writes the number of times the alarm has toggled between the alarm and reset states.


Write information about customised audio input.


Writes the value of the deadband used for limit checking for BACnet out of range alarms.


Writes the name of the I/NET device that generated the event.


Writes the name of the user who disabled the alarm.


Writes the cause of the alarm being disabled. An alarm can be disabled by User, Shunt variable, and System. If the alarm isn't configured correctly it can be disabled by System.


Writes the message about the alarm dispatch.


Writes the difference limit that was exceeded for BACnet floating limit alarms.


Writes the present evaluation state of the alarm. For example, Upper limit alarm is displayed when the monitored value reaches the upper alarm limit.


Writes the event state of the object prior to the occurence of the alarm condition for BACnet alarms.


Writes the EcoStruxure Web Service identification of the alarm on the external system.


Writes the EcoStruxure Web Service identification of the external object that generated the alarm.


Writes the value of the limit that was exceeded for BACnet out of range alarms.


Writes the value that exceeded a limit for BACnet out of range alarms.


Writes the value that differs from the commanded value for a BACnet command failure alarm.


Writes the number of the zone from which the alarm originates. Writes 0 if no zone is configured.


Writes the first name of the individual whose key/card was used at the I/NET door point.


Writes the visible status of an object. False is displayed when the object is shown.


Writes the individual number of the individual whose key/card was used at the I/NET door point.


Writes the system address of the I/NET point, or station address of the I/NET host or controller, that generated the event.


Writes the last comment that has been added to the alarm.


Writes the last name of the individual whose key/card was used at the I/NET door point.


Writes whether the alarm should be logged or not.


Writes the text of an I/NET action or dispatch message, if there is one.


Writes the description property of the monitored object. This requires that a MonitoredVariable is configured.


Writes the name property of the monitored object. This requires that a MonitoredVariable is configured.


Writes the note 1 property of the monitored object. This requires that a MonitoredVariable is configured.


Writes the note 2 property of the monitored object. This requires that a MonitoredVariable is configured.


Writes the label text of the monitored object. This requires that a MonitoredVariable is configured.


Writes the value that caused the alarm to become active or inactive.


Writes the path of the monitored variable.


Writes the new mode of the monitored object for a BACnet change of value alarm.


Writes the new state of the monitored object for a BACnet change of state or change of life safety alarm.


Writes the new value of the monitored property for a BACnet change of value alarm.


Writes the distribution information of an alarm notification within a BACnet system.


Writes the next operation requested by the monitored object for a BACnet change of life safety alarm.


Writes the alarm text from the matched alarm. This substitution code is only available for Alarm Decorators.


Writes the possible actions one can perform on the record, given permissions.


Writes the previous alarm state.


Writes the current priority level of the alarm state.


Writes the process identifier configured by the notification for a BACnet alarm.


Writes the new value of the monitored bitstring property for a BACnet change of bitstring alarm.


Writes the referenced value when the alarm condition occurred for a BACnet floating limit alarm.

@ (Report)

Writes the name of the report connected to the notification.


Writes the sequence number of the record.


Writes the value of the setpoint when the alarm condition occured for a BACnet floating limit alarm.


Writes the type "Sigma" of the event.


Writes the parameters of the sigma event.


Writes the path of the source object.


Writes the name of the source object that generated the alarm.


Writes the description property of the source object.


Writes the name property of the source object.


Writes the note 1 property of the source object.


Writes the note 2 property of the source object.


Writes the path to the server where the source object is located.


Writes the name of the name assigned to the I/NET controller from which the event originated.


Writes the status flag of the object.


Writes the category of the fire detection system alarm.


Writes the alarm ID generated by the system.


Writes the tenant number of the individual whose key/card was used at the I/NET door point.


Writes the time and date when the event was generated.


Writes the time and date of the state transfer from normal state to alarm state.


Writes the record type.

Alarm Messages

​When configuring the alarm, you can write a message that displays in the Alarms pane, Events pane, Alarm Views, and Event Views when an alarm is triggered or reset.

有关更多信息,请参阅 Alarm Messages .

  • Notifications
  • Notification Reports
  • Events Substitution Codes
  • Groups Substitution Codes
  • Multi Log List Substitution Codes
  • Properties and Watch View Properties Substitution Codes
  • Trend Log Records Substitution Codes
  • Users Substitution Codes
  • Alarm Functions
  • Alarms Overview
  • Alarm Messages
  • Alarm Decoration