user_standard Connexion
Log on to rate and give feedback 1 2 3 4 5 Log on to rate


Produits : WebReports
Fonctionnalités : Rapports
Version produit : 2.0, 2.1, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3

User Logons Report

The User Logons report provides information about successful and unsuccessful logons for user accounts that are configured in the EcoStruxure Building Operation database. The report displays the user account name, the first and last name of the user, the user account groups, the E-mail address of the user, and the number of failed and successful logons by the user. You can use the report when you need to audit successful and unsuccessful logons by the EcoStruxure Building Operation user accounts.

The following table shows the input parameters for the report.

Table : User Logons Input Parameters

Input Parameters


User logon (Blank for all)

Specifies the EcoStruxure Building Operation user account. Type a user account name to generate output about a particular user account. Do not enter a user account name to generate output about all user accounts.

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