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Produkter: WorkStation
Funktionaliteter: Grundläggande funktionalitet
Produktversion: 2.0, 2.1, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3


arrow1_rotationSignal Generator arrow1_rotationSimple Math Operators arrow1_rotationTimed Force Objects

The EcoStruxure Building Operation software is equipped with three types of utilities: Signal Generators, Simple Math Operators, and Timed Force objects. These utilities are used for testing, for example, trend logs and alarms.

Mer information finns i WorkStation .

Signal Generator

Signal Generator is used to create a sinusoidal, square, or saw tooth curve. Signal generator can also be used to generate a setpoint, an alarm, or an event.

Simple Math Operators

Simple Math Operator is used to add, subtract, multiply, and divide a one value from another.

Timed Force Objects

Timed Force objects are utility objects that force an override of the actual value of an analog, digital, or multistate output for a period of time specified either as a time duration or as a selected end date and time.

Mer information finns i Timed Force Objects .

  • WorkStation
  • Timed Force Objects
  • Creating a Utility Object