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Produits : WebStation
Fonctionnalités : Calendriers
Version produit : 2024, 7.0

Editing a Weekly Event

You edit a weekly event to change the information about a weekly event on a single day.

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A weekly event occurs every week for an extended period of time on a regular basis. You can schedule more than one weekly event for each day of the week.

To edit a weekly event
  1. In WebStation, in the System Tree pane, select the schedule you want to edit.

  2. In the Schedule workspace, navigate to the event you want to edit.

  3. In the Schedule workspace, select the weekly event weekly event you want to edit.

  4. In the Schedule event properties dialog box, edit the properties.

  5. Click OK .

  6. Click Save .

  • Weekly Events in WebStation
  • Exception Events in WebStation
  • Schedule Editor in WebStation
  • Schedule Workspace Toolbar
  • Schedule Workspace
  • Schedule Event Properties Dialog Box – Weekly View
  • Adding a Weekly Event
  • Editing the Start Time and End Time for a Schedule Event