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Produkty: WebStation
Funkcje: Podstawowa funkcjonalność
Wersja produktu: 2.0, 2.1, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 2022, 2023


Panels are a way to create workspaces that display two or more components in the EcoStruxure Building Operation software, for example graphics, trend charts, trend list and alarm views.

Panels are normally created by the engineer or the site administrator. The main advantage with panels is that a lot of components can be reached very easily at the same time. A panel can also be adapted for a specific type of user. For example a user responsible of a specific part of a site may have a panel that displays an alarm view with relevant alarms and trend logs that measures the energy consumptions for that part of the site.

action_zoom_plus_stroke A panel containing a graphic (left) and a trend log list (right)
Rysunek: A panel containing a graphic (left) and a trend log list (right)
  • Workspaces