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Interface utilisateur

Interface utilisateur

Produits : AS-L, AS-B, Enterprise Central, Enterprise Server, AS-P, Project Configuration Tool
Fonctionnalités : Fonctionnalité de base
Version produit : 2.0, 2.1, 3.0, 3.1

Objects and Trends Dialog Box

Use the Objects and trends dialog box to view trend objects that are related to one or several selected objects or object properties.

action_zoom_plus_stroke Objects and trends dialog box when you have selected only one object or property.
Figure : Objects and trends dialog box when you have selected only one object or property.
action_zoom_plus_stroke Objects and trends dialog box when you have selected several objects, properties, or graphic components or groups containing bound properties.
Figure : Objects and trends dialog box when you have selected several objects, properties, or graphic components or groups containing bound properties.

Table : Objects and Trends



[Quick filter]

Enter a word or a character to filter on. Pour plus d'informations, voir Filtre rapide .


Lists the available objects, for example, the bound properties of a graphic component.


Lists the trends related to the selected object or property


Displays the path of the object, property, or trend selected in the list.

  • Filtre rapide