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Prodotti: WebReports
Funzionalità: Report
Versione del prodotto: 1.8, 1.9, 2.0, 2.1, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3

Deleting an Energy Object Tag

You delete an energy object tag to remove it from the Tags folder when the tag is no longer required.


You can only delete user defined tags (not predefined tags).

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When configuring energy objects (sites and meters) you can attach (or remove) tags that enable you to categorize energy data in your customized energy reports. When you have attached tags in your site or meter properties, you can create a customized report in MS Report Builder and select the tags (as fields in the Query Designer) that you want to show in your energy report.

Per maggior informazioni, consulta Reports in Report Builder .


Tags that you attach to sites and meters are only available in energy reports that you create in Report Builder, not in the factory supplied energy reports in the Energy Monitoring folder.

When you install the Enterprise Server, a limited number of predefined tags are available for you to attach to your energy objects. You can remove predefined tags from energy objects, but you cannot delete them from the system. The following tags are the current predefined tags:

  • Enclosed Area

  • Open Area

  • Common Area

  • Rented Area

  • Lighting

  • Heating

  • Cooling

  • Ventilation

  • Water Heating

You can also define an unlimited number of new tags that you can also attach to energy objects. You can remove user defined tags from energy objects and you can also delete them from the system.

All energy object tags are contained in a Tags folder within the Reports Manager in the System Tree pane:

action_zoom_plus_stroke Tags folder containing user defined tags and predefined tags
Figura: Tags folder containing user defined tags and predefined tags

In the example figure above, Tag and Tag_2 are user defined tags and all other tags are predefined tags.

All tags within the Tags folder are known as existing tags, whether predefined or user defined. All existing tags can be attached to energy objects.

When you attach a tag to an energy object, you use the energy object properties to either attach an existing tag, or you define a new tag. If you define a new tag, the tag is attached to the energy object and is also created in the Tags folder (and is now known as an existing tag). As you attach each tag, it is displayed in a list of attached tags.

New tags can be entered singly, but if you need to attach multiple new tags, an alternative, more efficient entry method exists.

To delete an energy object tag
  1. In WorkStation, in the System Tree pane, expand the System folder.

  2. Expand Report Manager .

  3. Expand the Tags folder and select the tag you want to delete.

  4. On the Edit menu, click Delete .

  5. In the Confirm Delete dialog box, click Yes .

The deleted tag is no longer available for attaching to energy objects.

  • Energy Object Tagging
  • Attaching a New Tag to an Energy Object
  • Attaching an Existing Tag to an Energy Object
  • Configuring a Site
  • Configuring a Meter
  • Reports in Report Builder