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Configuring Windows Firewall for Connect Agent

You configure Windows Firewall for Connect Agent to ensure that the system and crash information is available on Connect storage server.

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Connect Agent is the service that runs along with the Enterprise Central and Enterprise Servers attached to it to collect and transfer crash information of EcoStruxure BMS servers (Enterprise Central, Enterprise Servers and field servers attached to Enterprise Servers).

To transfer the crash information, the Connect Agent service Log on needs to meet the following conditions:

  • sufficient user rights to access system folders and internet

  • Internet proxy settings, if required

  • Port number 22 available to access the following URL:

Connect Agent can collect and transfer crash information only when the site administrator or the end-user provides consent to allow Schneider Electric to receive system diagnostic and performance data of the system.

To enable the Connect Agent function, set Enable crash information transfer to True. For more information, see Configuring Connect Agent Settings .

To configuring Windows Firewall for Connect Agent
  1. On the Windows toolbar, select Start and then click Control Panel .

  2. Click System and Security and then click Check firewall status .

  3. Click Advanced settings and then click Outbound Rules .

  4. Click New Rule .

  5. Select Program and click Next .

  6. Enter the SE.SBO.S2ConnectESAgent.exe program path. (For example, C:\Program Files (x86)\Schneider Electric EcoStruxure\Building Operation x.y\S2ConnectAgent\bin\SE.SBO.S2ConnectESAgent.exe). Click Next .

  7. Select Allow the connection and click Next .

  8. Select the profiles and click Next .

  9. In the Name box, type the name for the rule.

  10. Click Finish .

  • Connect Agent Overview
  • System and crash information not available on Connect storage server