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Enterprise Server

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The function of a trend log is to log the variable that it is connected to and store the records.


In the EcoStruxure BMS servers, variable values are primarily stored in flash memory in order to have their values survive power fail and server shutdown. However, values that are often collected are only stored in the SDRAM memory. This is done to protect the flash memory in the field server.


Every object in the EcoStruxure Building Operation database has a number of different properties. Properties can be of two different types: read only and read/write. Read only properties are dimmed and cannot be changed. Read/write properties can be changed.


Use this workflow to change the operating system on the computer where the Enterprise Server is installed. You can also use this workflow to migrate the Enterprise Server to another computer.


All system events, as well as information and circumstances, are recorded in the Event log. These event records can be viewed in the Events pane or in an Event View.


You log on to WorkStation or WebStation to securely access the EcoStruxure BMS features.


​The FDP server gets its date and time from the FDP panel operating system and are configured in Fire Expert. The time zone offset is configured in the FDP server using Workstation and is added to the FDP panel UTC time by the EcoStruxure Fire Operation software. The FDP panel operating system time zone settings are independent of the FDP server time zone settings.

User Interface

Use the Consumption SignatureWidget dialog box to configure and edit a consumption signature.


A consumption signature chart is a bar chart where you can see expected and actual consumption for a certain period. You can choose if you want to see the alarm limits or not.

How to

The consumption signature object is used to calculate, analyze, and graphically present expected energy consumption.