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Products: Enterprise Central, Enterprise Server, FDP Server
Functionalities: Sustainability

Energy Consumption Overview

arrow1_rotationMeter Object arrow1_rotationMeter Processor arrow1_rotationConsumption Signature

You can monitor, process, and analyze energy consumption using the meter object, the meter processor object, and the consumption signature object in EcoStruxure Building Operation.

Meter Object

The meter object is used to log and calculate values from a physical meter using a point, called monitored variable, in the EBO server. The monitored variable can, for example, be a Modbus point or a BACnet point.

Meter Processor

The meter processor object is used to process the information from one or many meter objects. Using the meter processor, you can add or subtract energy consumption from many different meter objects. A meter processor can also process information from another meter processor.

For more information, see Meter Processor .

Consumption Signature

The consumption signature object is used to calculate, analyze, and graphically present expected energy consumption.

For more information, see Consumption Signature .

  • Meter Processor
  • Consumption Signature