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How to

How to

Products: Enterprise Central, Enterprise Server, FDP Server, WebStation
Functionalities: Dashboards, Sustainability

Configuring a Consumption Signature Chart Widget

The consumption signature object is used to calculate, analyze, and graphically present expected energy consumption.

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A consumption signature chart is a bar chart where you can see expected and actual consumption for a certain period. You can choose if you want to see the alarm limits or not.

To configure a consumption signature chart widget
  1. Right-click the dashboard and click Edit dashboard .

  2. Click Configure or click the Settings button


  3. In the Signature object filed , select the object you want to display in the chart.

  4. Select the color to use for the expected consumption.

  5. Select the color to use for the actual consumption.

  6. In Y-axis minimum box, enter the minimum value of the y-axis.

  7. In Y-axis maximum box, enter the maximum value of the y-axis.

  8. Select the period you want to display.

  9. In the Max number of bars box, select the maximum number of bars you want to display in the chart.

  10. In the Caption box, type a caption.

  11. In the Caption link box, enter a link to an object that is relevant for the chart.

  12. In the Show Legend box, select True to display legends in the chart.

  13. In the Show alarm limits box, select True to display the alarm limits.

  14. In the Show gridlines box, select True to display gridlines.

  15. Click OK .

  • Dashboard Widgets
  • Consumption Signature Chart Widget
  • Consumption Signature Widget Dialog Box