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How to

How to

Products: Registration Portal
Functionalities: Registration
Product version: 1.8, 1.9

Associate a New System ID to an Already Registered System

You associate a new System ID to an already registered system if you have recently deleted the system database and want to associate the system with an existing registration information.


When you associate a new system ID to an offline system, you will get a Registration code. Log on to WorkStation and enter the Registration code to associate a new System ID. For more information, see Registering an Offline System .

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Registering your Building Operation system ensures that you get better services, warranty, and critical system information. After registering your system, you can receive and transmit information between your systems and Schneider Electric systems. Your contact information and location is available for any investigation purposes and to provide you with additional services and updates. You can also verify if the registration details are correct.

You can register Enterprise Servers and stand-alone SmartStruxure server devices. If a stand-alone SmartStruxure server device is then attached to the Enterprise Server, the SmartStruxure server device's registration information is overwritten by the Enterprise Server's registration information.

You can establish a lead and shadow relationship for registering SmartStruxure servers. For example, the Enterprise Server and three SmartStruxure server devices are located in the same site. Instead of individually registering all the SmartStruxure server devices, a lead and shadow relationship can be established. The Enterprise Server is the lead object and three SmartStruxure server devices are shadow objects. With this relationship, the Enterprise Server registration information is reflected on the three SmartStruxure server devices.

You can register your system either online or offline through Building Operation WorkStation. Only one account each of system integrator(Branch/Partner) and end-user can be associated to a system. The other user accounts will not be able to associate to the system to register or modify it.

You can also associate a new System ID to an already registered system if you have recently deleted the site database and want to associate the system with an existing registration information.


For Windows Server 2012 R2, when IE Enhanced Security Configuration is on, you cannot access the SmartStruxure Solution Registration Portal. Ensure that you have added the SmartStruxure Registration Portal to Trusted sites zone. For more information, see SmartStruxure Registration Page is not Displayed .

For Windows Server 2012, when Firewall is on, the Enterprise Server registration information is not passed on to the SmartStruxure server devices attached to it. Ensure that you have created an Inbound Rule for Windows Firewall for the Enterprise Server. For more information, see Configuring Windows Firewall for Enterprise Server .

Log on to Registration Portal

You log on to the SmartStruxure Registration Portal using a Buildings Exchange user account. For more information, see Log on to Registration Portal .

Online Registration

You register a Building Operation system online when the Building Operation WorkStation is connected to the Internet. For more information, see Online Registration .

Offline Registration

You register a Building Operation system offline when the Building Operation WorkStation is not connected to the Internet. For more information, see Offline Registration .

Associate a New System ID with an Already Registered System

You associate a new System ID to an already registered system if you have recently deleted the site database and want to associate the system with an existing registration information. For more information, see Associate a New System ID to an Already Registered System .

To associate a new System ID to an already registered system
  1. Log on to WorkStation.

  2. Click Register now to connect to the SmartStruxure Registration Portal.

  3. Log on to SmartStruxure Solution Registration Portal.

  4. Enter a new System ID in Associate a new System ID with an existing registration option and click the green arrow.

  5. Click Proceed .

  6. Select the system and click the green arrow.

  7. Click Associate .

  • System Registration Overview
  • Registering an Offline System
  • System Association Page
  • Register Page
  • System Information Page