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How to

How to

Products: Commission, IP-IO , MP-C, MP-V, RP-C, RP-V
Functionalities: Engineering, BACnet/IP devices
Product version: 2023, 2024, 7.0

Testing Multi-I/O Module Inputs and Outputs

You perform I/O checkout on the Multi-I/O module to verify that the devices are wired correctly and that the physical inputs and outputs are working properly.

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After you have wired the physical inputs and outputs of the controller, you perform I/O checkout to verify that the wiring was done correctly and that the physical inputs and outputs are working properly.

For more information, see Performing I/O Checkout .

I/O Checkout Status

The I/O checkout status of each input and output can be found in the Inputs and Outputs view. Prior to the first I/O checkout, Status is New . The checkout statuses of all the inputs and outputs in a BACnet/IP device are displayed as the Checkout status of the controller, in the Device List view.

I/O Checkout Report

When you perform I/O checkout and click Done , an I/O checkout report is generated within the BACnet/IP controller. This report is saved to the Diagnostic Files folder in the BACnet/IP controller and can be viewed from WorkStation once the device is hosted.

Commissioning Log

During I/O checkout, the Commission mobile application creates a commissioning log file in which the steps performed are automatically saved. This log file is created in the VAV controller and can be viewed from WorkStation.

To test Multi-I/O module inputs and outputs
  1. In the Commission mobile application, click on the Commission tab.

  2. On the Commission tab, click I/O Checkout .

  3. On the I/O Resources page, click Room Bus .

  4. In the list of RP controller expansion modules, click Multi IO module, DI-8 DO-8 .

  5. On the Multi IO module, DI-8 DO-8 page, click Digital Inputs or Digital Outputs .

  6. In the list of Digital Inputs or Outputs, select the check box next to the points you want to test.

    You can select up to five inputs or outputs at once.

  7. Click Checkout .

    • For inputs , affect or cause a change to the physical input device. Then, observe the value in the Commission mobile application to determine that the input is responding as expected.

    • For outputs , change the value and then click Force . Observe the physical output to determine that it is responding as expected.

  8. When you are finished forcing values and verifying the responses, click Unforce to revert the values.

  9. Click the Refresh button at any time to view the current value of the point.

  10. In the Comment text box, type a comment that will be included in the I/O checkout report.

  11. Change Checkout status to Complete . If the input or output did not check out correctly, change Checkout status to Failed .

  12. Click Done to transfer the checkout data to the I/O checkout report.

  13. Click the Back arrow to return to the Inputs and Outputs page and then repeat the process until all the I/O points are verified.

You have completed checkout of the inputs and outputs on the Mulit-I/O module, and identified any failed connections that must be corrected.

Clicking Done generates an I/O Checkout report which is stored in the BACnet/IP controller within diagnostic files. For more information, see Viewing an I/O Checkout Report .

  • I/O Checkout Overview
  • Viewing an I/O Checkout Report