After flow balancing a VAV unit, you can use the Commission mobile application to create, append, view, or delete flow balance reports.
In the Commission mobile application, connect to a single VAV controller.
On the tab bar, click Commission .
Click Flow Balance .
On the Flow Balance page, click Flow Balance Report.
On the Balance Report page, in the Device List , select the VAV controllers you want to include in the report or select Select all .
Select Create .
In the Create dialog box, in the Report name box, type the report name.
In the Project name box, type the project name.
In the Engineer box, type the engineer name.
In the Create dialog box, the Location box contains the directory path where the flow balance report file is located. If you will export the report file later, copy the directory path to the clipboard. To do this, select the path in the Location box, choose Select All , and then select Copy .
Select OK to create the flow balance report file.
In the Commission mobile application, connect to a single VAV controller.
On the tab bar, click Commission .
Click Flow Balance .
On the Flow Balance page, click Flow Balance Report.
On the Balance Report page, in the Device List , select the check boxes to select the VAV controllers you want to add to the report.
Select Append .
In the dialog box, click on the name of the report you want to append.
In the Commission mobile application, connect to a single VAV controller.
On the tab bar, click Commission .
Click Flow Balance .
On the Flow Balance page, click Flow Balance Report.
On the Balance Report page, click Manage .
On the Balance Report Management page, click on the name of the report you want to manage.
Perform the desired action:
Delete: Click Delete to remove the report from you phone or laptop.
View: Click View to view the report on your device.
Share: Click View and then click the Share icon to send the report to the target location of your choice. Each report is an HTML file that can be viewed in a browser window.