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Products: AD v2, AD v1, WorkStation, WebStation, WebHelp
Functionalities: Basic Functionality
Product version: 3.3, 2022, 2023

Work Interface Overview

arrow1_rotationWebStation Overview arrow1_rotationWorkStation Overview arrow1_rotationWebHelp Overview arrow1_rotationOperator Display Overview

You use interfaces to set up, manage and operate the EcoStruxure BMS on a daily basis.

WebStation Overview

WebStation is your web-based interface to your EcoStruxure BMS. You use WebStation to perform work on a daily basis in the EcoStruxure BMS.

For more information, see WebStation Overview .

WorkStation Overview

WorkStation is your main interface to your EcoStruxure BMS. You use WorkStation to perform all work on a daily basis in the EcoStruxure BMS.

For more information, see WorkStation Overview .

WebHelp Overview

In WebHelp, you find information on how to set up, manage, and operate the EcoStruxure BMS. WebHelp is continuously updated. You can browse and search for information about your specific EcoStruxure BMS product and version.

For more information, see WebHelp Overview .

Operator Display Overview

SpaceLogic* Operator Display is a touch-screen Human Machine Interface (HMI) for SpaceLogic controllers and servers, designed for local monitoring of building controllers in small and medium-sized buildings, as well as in large buildings with comprehensive building management systems. Operator Display is specifically designed for equipment rooms and it simplifies operations, service, and troubleshooting for System Integrators and Service Engineers, as well as for non-technical users (notably Facility Managers and Janitors).

* Formerly known as SmartX.

For more information, see Operator Display Overview .

  • EcoStruxure Building Management Overview
  • WorkStation Overview
  • WebStation Overview
  • WebHelp Overview
  • Operator Display Overview