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Produkter: AS-B, Enterprise Central, Enterprise Server, AS-P, Project Configuration Tool
Funktionaliteter: Larm
Produktversion: 3.2, 3.3, 2022

System Alarm Handling

System alarms are usually handled similarly to other alarms. After acknowledging a system alarm, the cause of the alarm must be corrected before the alarm state changes to reset and then returns to normal state.

action_zoom_plus_stroke System alarm acknowledgement loop where the alarm is acknowledged in alarm state
Figur: System alarm acknowledgement loop where the alarm is acknowledged in alarm state
action_zoom_plus_stroke System alarm acknowledgement loop where the alarm is acknowledged in reset state
Figur: System alarm acknowledgement loop where the alarm is acknowledged in reset state

Simple system alarms are system alarms with a simplified state handling. When you acknowledge a simple system alarm, it disappears from the Alarms pane, regardless of the current alarm state. For example, a simple system alarm notifies the user when a EcoStruxure BMS server or field device performs a warm start.

action_zoom_plus_stroke Simple system alarm acknowledgement loop where the alarm is acknowledged in alarm state
Figur: Simple system alarm acknowledgement loop where the alarm is acknowledged in alarm state

System alarms are not EcoStruxure BMS objects and therefore no object configuration is associated with them. For this reason, some functionality for system alarms do not work in the same way as for alarms that are EcoStruxure BMS objects, such as change of state alarms. For example, even if the command "disable state-change logging" is executed, logging will be re-enabled when this system alarm returns to the Normal state. You can configure an Alarm Decoration Rule to keep logging disabled. Mer information finns i Configuring an Alarm Decoration Rule .

  • System Alarms
  • Alarm States
  • Acknowledgements
  • Notifications
  • System Alarm ID List