The analog outputs are capable of supporting analog voltage or current point types. Therefore, analog outputs support a wide range of devices, such as actuators.
The controller universal inputs and analog outputs are SELV/PELV. Connect only devices with safe extra low voltage equipment (SELV/PELV) inputs/outputs to the controller universal inputs and analog outputs. Connecting devices that are not SELV/PELV poses an electrical hazard that will result in death or serious injury.
The analog outputs can be configured as voltage outputs.
R OUT is approximately equal to 10 ohm.
V OUT range is 0 to 10 VDC.
R LOAD minimum is 5 kohm.
The analog outputs can also be configured as current outputs.
I OUT range is 0 to 20 mA.
R LOAD maximum is 650 ohm.
Channels, MP-V-7A
1, VO1/CO1
Channels, MP-V-9A
2, VO1/CO1 and VO2/CO2
Analog output protection
Transient voltage suppressor on each output
Voltage outputs | |
0 to 10 VDC
+/-60 mV
10 mV
Minimum load resistance
5 kohm to ground
Load range
0 to +2 mA
Voltage Output (VO), Return (RET)
Current outputs | |
0 to 20 mA
+/-0.2 mA
21 µA
Load range
0 to 650 ohm
Current Output (CO), Return (RET)