The Commission mobile application provides the user with a means to generate a flow balance report that documents several values:
Box capacity at 1 inch H20 (249 Pa)
Box measured flow
Hood measured flow for each setpoint used during balancing
Actuator stroke and rotation
Flow balance time and date
Any comments
Using the Commission mobile application, you can create, append, and delete flow balance reports. Flow balance reports are stored on the Commission mobile application mobile device and can be retrieved and shared using the file and e-mail applications of that mobile device or Windows 10 laptop.
在对 VAV 单元进行风量平衡后,您可以使用 Commission 移动应用程序创建新的风量平衡报告、在现有风量平衡报告中补充新信息、查看现有风量平衡报告或删除不再需要的风量平衡报告。
After flow balancing a VAV unit, you can use the Commission mobile application to create, append, view, or delete flow balance reports.
有关更多信息,请参阅 管理风量平衡报告 .
风量平衡报告文件位于 CommissioningTool\ FlowBalanceReport 文件夹中。您可以使用以下两种方法之一导航到该文件夹:
您可以在移动设备上使用文件导航实用程序(例如文件资源管理器(Windows 设备))搜索文件夹名称。
您可以选择并复制 位置 框中的所有内容,再将文本粘贴到移动设备上的文件导航实用程序的搜索框(例如文件资源管理器)中,然后执行搜索。