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Funcionalidades: Hardware
Versión del producto: 2022, 2023, 2024

RP Controller Expansion Module LEDs

arrow1_rotationStatus LED arrow1_rotationLight Status LEDs arrow1_rotationBlind Status LEDs arrow1_rotationRelay Status LEDs

There is one or more LEDs on the front panel of the RP controller expansion modules.

action_zoom_plus_stroke RP controller expansion module LEDs (Example for RP-C-EXT-DALI-M-PD)
Figura: RP controller expansion module LEDs (Example for RP-C-EXT-DALI-M-PD)

Tabla: RP Controller Expansion Module LEDs



Status (RP controller expansion module)

Red, Green

Light Status a


Blind Status


Relay Status b


  1. Light Status LEDs are available on the RP controller expansion light modules with power distribution capability.
  2. Relay Status LEDs are available on the RP controller expansion relay modules of the 4-channel model type (RP-C-EXT-REL-4). The 10-channel relay module (CRS-HH-REL-10) does not have Relay Status LEDs.

The LEDs indicate the status of the RP controller expansion module and the status of the relays or motor drivers used for controlling the power distribution to the lights and blinds.

Status LED

The RP controller expansion module Status LED can be configured in the following modes:

  • Show status mode

  • Off mode

You configure the Status LED mode in the EcoStruxure Building Operation software. Para obtener más información, consulte Configuring RP Controller Expansion Modules .

Show status mode

The RP controller expansion module Status LED indicates the condition of the device.

Tabla: RP Controller Expansion Module Status LED Patterns

LED Patterns


Recommended action

Green, constant

Normal operation, status OK.

No action required.

Green constant, with red flash (100 ms every 2 seconds)

Normal operation, status OK.

However, the RP controller expansion module has detected and logged an abnormal condition. When the RP-C has retrieved the diagnostics from the module, the Status LED returns to constant green light. Para obtener más información, consulte RP Controller Expansion Module Diagnostics .

No action required.

Green, flashing (~1 Hz)

Device is starting or restarting.

No action required.

Green, flashing medium (~2 Hz)

Device is in maintenance mode. Para obtener más información, consulte RP Controller Expansion Module Maintenance Modes .

To exit the maintenance mode, configure a unique device address in the range supported by the RP-C controller model and then reset the device by disconnecting and reconnecting the device to the RP-C room bus. Para obtener más información, consulte Configuring the Room Bus Address for an RP Controller Expansion Module .Para obtener más información, consulte Connecting RP Controller Expansion Modules to an RP Controller .

Green, flashing fast (~5 Hz)

Device is initializing.

No action required.

Red, flashing (~1 Hz)

Device is non-operational due to a detected error.

Device is forced into maintenance mode.

Contact Schneider Electric Product Support Services for assistance.

Red, flashing fast (~5 Hz)

Device is inoperable due to a detected, non-recoverable error.

Contact Schneider Electric Product Support Services for assistance or return the device to Schneider Electric.

Red, constant

Device is inoperable due to a detected, non-recoverable error.

Return the device to Schneider Electric.

Off mode

The RP controller expansion module Status LED is disabled.

Light Status LEDs

The Light Status LEDs indicate the condition of the light output relays, which control the power distribution (230 VAC from the power supply) to the lights. The LEDs are available on RP controller expansion light modules with power distribution capability.

Tabla: Light Status LED Patterns

LED Patterns


Recommended action

Green, constant

Light output relay is active (energized), power distribution to the light is enabled.

No action required.

Blind Status LEDs

High-voltage blind modules

The Blind Status LEDs indicate the condition of the blind output relays, which control the power distribution (230 VAC from the power supply) to the blind motors.

Tabla: Blind Status LED Patterns for High-Voltage Blind Modules

LED Patterns


Recommended action

Green, constant

Blind output relay is active (energized), power distribution to the blind motor is enabled.

No action required.

Low-voltage blind modules

The Blind Status LEDs indicate the condition of the blind output motor drivers, which control and drive the blind motors.

Tabla: Blind Status LED Patterns for Low-Voltage Blind Modules

LED Patterns


Recommended action

Green, constant

Blind output motor driver is active.

No action required.

Relay Status LEDs

The Relay Status LEDs indicate the condition of the output relays, which control the power distribution (100 to 277 VAC from the power supply) to the lights.

Tabla: Relay Status LED Patterns

LED Patterns


Recommended action

Green, constant

Output relay is active (energized), power distribution to the light is enabled.

No action required.

  • RP Controller Expansion Modules
  • Light Modules
  • Blind Modules
  • RP-C-EXT-0-10V-4-PD
  • RP-C-EXT-REL-4
  • CRS-HH-REL-10
  • Configuring the Room Bus Address for an RP Controller Expansion Module
  • Connecting RP Controller Expansion Modules to an RP Controller
  • Configuring RP Controller Expansion Modules
  • RP Controller Expansion Module Diagnostics
  • RP Controller Expansion Module Maintenance Modes
  • RP Controller Expansion Module Set Button
  • RP Controller Expansion Sensor Module LED
  • Status LEDs
  • RP-C Models