user_standard 登录
登录以评价并提供反馈 1 2 3 4 5 登录以评价


产品: AS-L, AS-B, Device Administrator, ​License Administrator, AS-P
功能: 硬件, SmartDriver
产品版本: 3.0, 3.1

Creating the Request Files

You create request file that you send to FlexNet Operations Administrator Server to get response files.


Device Administrator is used to manage licenses on SmartX server.

Licenses on SmartX Servers

Licenses are needed with some of the features of a SmartX server.


To be able to use SmartDrivers on a SmartX server, one or more, license is needed for every SmartDriver that runs on the SmartX server.

SNMP Notifications

To be able to use SNMP Notification on a SmartX server, a license is required.

One license for SNMP Notifications allows you to use any number of SNMP Notifications on that SmartX server.

Personal Dashboards

To be able to create personal dashboards on a SmartX server, you need a license. Personal dashboards are used in WebStation.

One license allows the connected users of that SmartX server to create any number of Personal Dashboards.

Entitlements, Products, and Licenses

Licenses are bought as products and delivered in Entitlements. An Entitlement is a container that can contain several products. The products contain the licenses and they can differ in quantity and contents.

有关更多信息,请参阅 Entitlements, Products, and Licenses .

Assign and Activate Licenses

When you have added the Entitlement to Device Administrator you must assign and activate the licenses.

有关更多信息,请参阅 Assign and Activate Licenses .


It is recommended to use HTTPS for the communication between Device Administrator and SmartX servers when you manage licenses.

有关更多信息,请参阅 Certificates in Device Administrator .


Activated licenses cannot be deactivated.

To create the request files
  1. In Device Administrator, click Servers .

  2. Select Show Licenses .

  3. Select the SmartX servers.

  4. Click Activate licenses .

  5. In the Activate Licenses dialog box, select Offline activation .

  6. Click Activate Licenses .

  7. Select a location for the request files.

  8. Click OK .

The request files must be uploaded to FlexNet Operations Administrator server so that you can download the response files.

  • Device Administrator Licenses
  • Device Administrator Licensing Workflow
  • Offline Activation of Licenses Workflow
  • Activate Licenses Dialog Box
  • Assigning Licenses