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Produkte: AS-B, Enterprise Central, Enterprise Server, AS-P
Funktionen: Benutzerverwaltung
Produktversion: 3.2, 3.3, 2022

Resetting the Password using WorkStation

When you have received the temporary password, you can reset the password on the EBO server.

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You can reset the administrator password on your EcoStruxure Building Operation servers if you, for example, have locked yourself out.

Your local Schneider Electric Buildings support team provides you with a temporary password for logging on to EcoStruxure BMS so that you can change your administrator password.

Für weitere Informationen siehe Password Reset Workflow .

To reset the password using WorkStation
  1. In WorkStation, in the User name box, type admin .

  2. In the Password box, paste the temporary password.

  3. Click Log on .

  4. In the Change Password dialog box, in the Old password box, paste the temporary password.

  5. In the New password box, type the password you want to use.

  6. In the Confirm password box, type the new password agian.

  • Administrator Password Reset
  • Password Reset Workflow
  • Setting an EcoStruxure BMS Server to Password Reset Mode
  • Copying the Session ID when Resetting the Password