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Productos AS-B, Edge Server, Enterprise Central, Enterprise Server, AS-P, Project Configuration Tool
Funcionalidades: Gestión de usuarios
Versión del producto: 2023

Unify Domains in the Server Structure Workflow

Use this workflow to unify domains and to make sure all the servers have the same domain after you add an Enterprise Central to your system. Related information can be found in the sections after the flowchart.

action_zoom_plus_stroke Unify domains in the server structure workflow
Figura: Unify domains in the server structure workflow
Log On to the Enterprise Server

Log on to the Enterprise Server that you want to add to the Enterprise Central. Para obtener más información, consulte Iniciar sesión en WorkStation o WebStation .

Export the Domain

Export the domain you want to use from the Enterprise Server. Para obtener más información, consulte Import and Export of User Management Solutions .

Delete the Domain

Delete the domain from the Enterprise Server to avoid conflict. Para obtener más información, consulte Deleting a Domain .

Log On to the Enterprise Central

Log on to your Enterprise Central in order to import your domain and add the servers. Para obtener más información, consulte Iniciar sesión en WorkStation o WebStation .

Import the Domain

Import the domain that you want to use to the Enterprise Central. Para obtener más información, consulte Import and Export of User Management Solutions .

Add the Enterprise Server

Add the Enterprise Server to the Enterprise Central. Para obtener más información, consulte Adding an Existing Enterprise Server to an Enterprise Central .

Add the Enterprise Server to your domain

Add the Enterprise Server to the domain of the Enterprise Central. Para obtener más información, consulte Adding an Existing Enterprise Server to an Enterprise Central .

Add your Automation Servers to the domain

Add your automation servers to the domain of the Enterprise Server. Para obtener más información, consulte Assigning an Automation Server to a Domain .

  • Domains
  • Multi-server Systems
  • Enterprise Central
  • Automation Servers
  • Iniciar sesión en WorkStation o WebStation
  • Import and Export of User Management Solutions
  • Deleting a Domain
  • Adding an Existing Enterprise Server to an Enterprise Central