You commission Zigbee devices from the Commission mobile application when Zigbee network and logical devices are configured on your BACnet/IP controller.
Device level support is not available in the Commission mobile application unless you first configure the BACnet/IP controller to include Zigbee. You can do so either directly from WorkStation or from an application image which has been downloaded to the controller.
In the Commission mobile application, connect to the BACnet/IP controller.
On the tab bar, click Commission .
Click I/O Checkout .
On the I/O Resources page, notice that the Zigbee network is offline and the port reference is set to NULL.
Click Zigbee network to configure the network.
Plug the Zigbee dongle into the controller's USB host port.
Click the Refresh
The Zigbee network status is now Online and the Zigbee Channel is chosen for you.
Click the Back arrow to return to the I/O Resources page.
On the I/O Resources page, notice that the network displays as online and the port reference is listed as USB.
Click Zigbee network to configure your Zigbee devices.
On the Zigbee Network page, click Devices .
On the Zigbee Devices page, click a device to view its logical and physical properties.
Because you have not yet configured a physical association for the logical device, the IEEE Address and Network Address are all zeros.
Click Start join .
The <Device Name> page indicates that the Network is open for join and counts down the number of seconds that you have to join. (The default is 180 seconds). The permit join time then counts down.
Click Stop join if you want to stop the network join process.
Commission the physical Zigbee device to join the Zigbee network.
Be sure to consult the Zigbee device documentation to determine how to do this for your specific Zigbee device.
A list of devices then display on the <Device Name> page if they are available to join.
Click the device that you would like to associate to your logical device.
Once associated, the devices show as online on the Zigbee Devices page.
View the device properties on this page.
Click Unassociate to remove the association between the physical and logical devices.
Note that the physical device remains on the network, however.
Click Leave to unassociate and leave the network.
If you clicked Unassociate in Step 17, the device now displays in the Decommission menu on the Zigbee Network page.
Click Leave network from that page should you wish.