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产品: eCommission SmartX Controllers, IP-IO , MP-C, MP-V, RP-C
功能: 工程, SmartX IP Controller 设备
产品版本: 2022, 2023, 2024, 7.0


您可以在 Commission 移动应用程序中使用 更多 菜单执行以下操作:

  • 访问 Web 帮助和视频帮助功能

  • 查看隐私声明、使用条款和关于页面

  • 发送或停止发送分析事件


The Commission mobile application allows you to use a mobile device to perform commissioning, flow balance, and checkout operations on SpaceLogic BACnet/IP devices. BACnet/IP devices include BACnet/IP controllers (MP and RP), and IP-IO modules. The Commission mobile application is available for Android and iOS (Apple) phones and tablets, as well as devices using Microsoft Windows. The Commission mobile application can connect to a single BACnet/IP device or to a network of BACnet/IP devices on the local network.

Device Connection

The Commission mobile application supports device connection through BACnet Wi-Fi and wireless Bluetooth connection.

有关更多信息,请参阅 设备连接 .

Bluetooth Adapter

The SpaceLogic Bluetooth Adapter allows you to establish a Bluetooth connection to SpaceLogic and EasyLogic controllers that contain an extra COM port. You plug the Bluetooth adapter into the corresponding SpaceLogic Sensor to connect to the controller.

有关更多信息,请参阅 SpaceLogic 蓝牙适配器 .

Device Configuration

You configure the device settings of a BACnet/IP device so that it can communicate on the network. For example, in the Commission Mobile Application, you can configure the BACnet/IP controller so that it can communicate on the IP network, or configure it as an MS/TP device to enable it to communicate on an MS/TP network.

有关更多信息,请参阅 BACnet/IP 控制器设备设置 .

Configuration Menu

Configuration Menus are a group of pre-engineered objects and values that make device commissioning faster and easier. Configuration Menus are exported and downloaded from image files. Download a Configuration Menu to a BACnet/IP controller to commission the controller.

有关更多信息,请参阅 配置菜单 .

I/O Checkout

After you have wired the physical inputs and outputs of the controller, you perform I/O checkout to verify that the wiring was done correctly and that the physical inputs and outputs are working properly.

有关更多信息,请参阅 I/O 检出概览 .

Flow Balancing

The Flow Balance function of the Commission mobile application is used to air balance terminal boxes controlled by VAV controllers. This function automates most of the air balance procedure but it also allows you to manually check out the flow balance by driving the damper to a specified position, a flow setpoint, or a flow value.

有关更多信息,请参阅 风量平衡 .

Device Restart

Use the Device Restart function of the Commission mobile application to perform a restart of the BACnet/IP controller. There are four different ways to restart the BACnet/IP controller.

有关更多信息,请参阅 设备重启 .

  1. 从弹出菜单中,单击 更多



    如果需要,您还可以使用“更多”菜单退出 Commission 移动应用程序。

  2. 单击 设置 可更改应用程序语言,并访问 Commission 移动应用程序的操作系统设置。

  3. 获取支持 下,单击以访问委员会移动应用程序的帮助功能,如 Web 帮助 视频帮助

  4. 权限和隐私 下,单击 隐私 查看应用程序的隐私声明。

  5. 单击以访问您之前在登录过程中看到的 同意管理 页面。

    有关更多信息,请参阅 Logging on to the Commission Mobile Application .

  6. 单击


  7. 如果需要,可单击以查看 使用条款 关于 页面。


  • Commission Mobile Application
  • Logging on to the Commission Mobile Application