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Explicación de procesos

Explicación de procesos

Productos AS-B, Edge Server, Enterprise Central, Enterprise Server, AS-P
Funcionalidades: Semantic
Versión del producto: 2024, 7.0

Searching for Semantic Objects or Properties

You use this procedure to find objects or properties in the semantic model.

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Use Search in WorkStation to find and view objects in the database.

There are two different ways to search in WorkStation, simple search and search. A search can be done on, for example, conditions or objects types. A search can be saved for further use.

Search is case insensitive, which means that search does not differ between upper case and lower case. A search on "Fan"displays search results spelled both "fan" and "Fan".

Simple Search

Use Simple Search to search for object names.

Use the Search view to search for names of properties. Para obtener más información, consulte Searching for Objects or Properties .

Para obtener más información, consulte Simple Search .


You use search to find objects and properties in the EcoStruxure Building Operation database.

Para obtener más información, consulte Search .

Saved Search

Frequently used searches including the settings can be saved and reused.

A saved search is displayed in the System Tree pane and the List View. To perform the search, open the saved search from the System Tree pane or List View. The search results are displayed in the work area (with collapsed search criteria area).

A saved search can be changed, renamed, and deleted.

  • When you save a search, only the setting for the search is saved. The search result is never saved.  

Relative or Locked Search Path

If you want to reuse your saved search object in similar folder structures, you can enter a relative search path in your saved search object. You can reuse a saved search object by using export and import or copy and paste special.

If you have configured your search object with a relative reference, the search result is performed on a path relative to the location of the saved search object.

If you have configured your search object with a locked reference, the search is performed on the specific folder or container object even if the folder or container object is renamed or moved. By default, search paths are locked.

Tabla: Locked and Unlocked References

Path reference syntax



Locked reference

Searches in the configured folder or container object


Relative reference

Searches in a path relative to where the search object is saved. For example, entering '../../' in the folder path means that the search is performed two levels up from where the search object is saved.

To search for semantic objects or properties
  1. In WorkStation, on the WorkStation Toolbar menu, click the Search button


  2. Click the Semantic tab.

  3. In the Semantic condition field, click the Browse button to open the Semantic navigator and add semantic conditions to your search.

  4. Select Search for properties to only search for properties.

  5. Select Include subservers to include EcoStruxure BMS subserver devices in the search.

  6. Select Stop if more than 1000 results to stop the search at 1,000 results.

  7. Select Forced value only, to only include forced values.

  8. In the Select Types dialog box, select the object types you want to include in the search.

  9. In the Select Conditions dialog box, click the Add condition button

    to add a search condition.

  10. Click OK .

  11. Click the Search button


Search results are displayed in the Search result area. The semantic search can be saved. Para obtener más información, consulte Saving a Search .

  • Search Overview
  • Buscar
  • Search View
  • Select Folder Dialog Box
  • Searching for Forced Values
  • Select Conditions Dialog Box