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Products: Builder View
Functionalities: Engineering
Product version: 2023

Canvas Objects

arrow1_rotationSystem Objects arrow1_rotationExternal Nodes arrow1_rotationCurrent Folder Property

In Builder View, the canvas objects are designed to make the configuration of the objects seamless. Canvas objects are displayed visually on the Builder View canvas.

For more information, see Builder View .

System Objects

System objects consist of a header that displays the name of the object, and a body that displays the object type icon and the object type name.

action_zoom_plus_stroke A system object of the object type Folder with the name Building A.
Figure: A system object of the object type Folder with the name Building A.

The exposed system object property names are displayed as binding ports in the body. Target binding ports are displayed on the left side and source binding ports on the right side.

action_zoom_plus_stroke A system object with a target binding port and the exposed property name LogPoint.
Figure: A system object with a target binding port and the exposed property name LogPoint.

System objects of the object type Folder displays the name of the system objects in the underlying folder structure if the system object is bound to a system object that is located in an external folder structure. The bound property name is displayed as a binding port under the name of the system object.

action_zoom_plus_stroke Folder object with system objects in the underlying folder structure.
Figure: Folder object with system objects in the underlying folder structure.

System objects in the underlying folder structure that are bound to system objects within the folder structure are not displayed in the folder object.

For more information, see Binding ports .

External Nodes

If a system object that is located in an external folder structure is bound to a system object in the current folder or in an underlying folder structure, the system object located in the external folder structure is represented by an external node on the canvas.

An External source node displays the folder path to the system object in the external folder structure and a source binding port on the right side.

For more information, see Binding ports .

action_zoom_plus_stroke External source port
Figure: External source port

An External target node displays the folder path to the system object in the external folder structure and a target binding port on the left side.

action_zoom_plus_stroke External target port
Figure: External target port

An External target node represents multiple target binding ports if the source binding port is bound to multiple target binding ports. The multiple system object paths are displayed when clicking on the path button


action_zoom_plus_stroke External target node representing multiple target binding ports.
Figure: External target node representing multiple target binding ports.

Current Folder Property

The current folder is the folder which content is displayed on the canvas. If a system object located anywhere in the folder structure is bound to a property of the current folder, the property is represented by a current folder property on the canvas.

A current folder property displays the property name and a source binding port on the right side or a target binding port on the left side.

For more information, see Binding ports .

action_zoom_plus_stroke Current folder property
Figure: Current folder property
  • Builder View
  • Binding ports
  • Bindings
  • Bindings View
  • Binding Values Manually