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产品: AS-B, Edge Server, Enterprise Server, AS-P, WorkStation, Project Configuration Tool
功能: 时间表
产品版本: 3.2, 3.3, 2022, 2023


您可以添加单个日期例外事件,以针对时间表中的特定日设置例外,如 2013 年 12 月 10 日。


An exception event occurs instead of the scheduled weekly events for a single date, date range, calculated date, or calendar reference.

For example, you create an exception event in March for an intense aerobics class in the gym to open an air vent to 100 % from 06:30 to 17:00 every Wednesday in March. This exception event takes precedence over the regularly scheduled weekly Wednesday events.

When scheduling exception events, you can use four exception types to provide flexibility and control in your schedule.

Date Exception Events

A single date exception event can occur on a single day, or you can use the options for the event to occur on more than one day. The options such as Any year and Any day provide flexibility. To schedule a single date event to take place every year on October 31, you select the following single date options:

  • Year: Any year

  • Month: October

  • Day of month: 31

  • Day of week: Any day

Date Range Exception Events

A date range exception event is an event that lasts over a period of time. In addition to a specific day of month, you can select Odd, Even , or Any month , and Any day or Last day , to provide the flexibility to a date range. For example, to schedule an exception event to occur annually from the last day of March to the last day of April, select the following options for the start and end dates:

Start Date
  • Start year: Any year

  • Start month: March

  • Day of month: Last day

  • Day of week: Any day

End Date
  • Year: Any year

  • Month: April

  • Day of month: Last day

  • Day of week: Any day

Calculated Exception Events

A calculated date is an exception event that recurs. Other than a specific month and week, you can select Any month and Any week or Last week , to provide flexibility to a calculated date. For example, to schedule the Monday of the first week of every month for an exception event, select the following options:

  • Month: Any month

  • Week of month: First week

  • Day of week: Monday

Calendar Exception Events

A calendar reference allows you to apply an exception event for all dates specified in the calendar. For example, to schedule exception events for all holidays on a calendar, you select the calendar you want to reference and the schedule will follow the holidays created in the calendar.

  1. 在 WorkStation 的 系统树 窗格中,选择要添加单个日期例外事件的时间表。

  2. 点击 基本 选项卡。

  3. 基本时间表编辑器 工具栏,点击 新时间表事件 按钮


  4. 点击 例外

  5. 时间表事件属性 对话框中的 例外类型 框,点击 单个日期

  6. 若例外事件将全天开或关,选择 全天

  7. 开始时间 列中,键入例外事件的开始时间。

  8. 结束时间 列中,键入例外事件的结束时间。

  9. 列中,为例外事件选择一个值。

  10. 名称 框中,键入例外事件的名称。

  11. 优先级 框中,为例外事件选择优先级,以覆盖优先级较低的冲突事件。

  12. 框中,选择单个日期的年份。

  13. 框中,选择单个日期的月份。

  14. 日期 中,选择单个日期的日期。

  15. 星期几 框中,选择单个日期是星期几。

  16. 点击 确定

  17. 文件 菜单中,点击 保存

  • 时间表事件
  • WorkStation 中的例外事件
  • 时间表事件属性对话框 - 单个日期例外视图