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Produits : AS-L, AS-B, Enterprise Central, Enterprise Server, AS-P, Project Configuration Tool
Fonctionnalités : Fonctionnalité de base
Version produit : 2.0, 2.1, 3.0, 3.1

Backup Sets

Backup sets are compressed backup files used for restoring data. The EcoStruxure Building Operation software stores the local backup set for an Enterprise Server or SmartX servers in the Local folder within the Backup sets folder.

Backup Sets Location

Backup sets are stored in different locations for stand-alone systems and multi-server systems.

Pour plus d'informations, voir Location of Backup Sets .

Backup Sets and Server Name

The EcoStruxure Building Operation software associates each backup set with a particular EcoStruxure BMS server name. Therefore, you should not rename an EcoStruxure BMS server unless absolutely necessary. If you do rename an EcoStruxure BMS server, the previous backup sets do not display in the Restore Options dialog box. You can view all the backup sets that are stored locally on an Enterprise Server. Pour plus d'informations, voir Locating the Local Backup Path on the Enterprise Server or Enterprise Central .


Going forward, you must create new backups for the renamed EcoStruxure BMS server.

Backup Set Storage and Protection

EcoStruxure BMS servers store backup sets in their local directories. By design, the average user may not easily locate these backup directories using a Windows-based file system. For convenience, you can save backup sets stored on EcoStruxure BMS servers to WorkStation. After saving the backup set, you can also copy the file to another backup storage location.

Pour plus d'informations, voir Backup Set Storage and Protection .

Backup Set Import from WorkStation

You import a backup set from WorkStation to replace a lost or incomplete backup set, or to add a backup set to a new EcoStruxure BMS server.

Pour plus d'informations, voir Backup Set Import from WorkStation .

Automatic Purge of Backup Sets

An Enterprise Server stores multiple local and remote backup sets. As a result, these sets can consume much needed space on the Enterprise Server. To resolve this problem, you can configure the Enterprise Server to remove outdated backup sets.

Pour plus d'informations, voir Automatic Purge of Backup Sets .

  • Backup
  • Location of Backup Sets
  • Locating the Local Backup Path on the Enterprise Server or Enterprise Central
  • Automatic Purge of Backup Sets
  • Backup Set Storage and Protection
  • Backup Set Import from WorkStation
  • Diagnosing Backup or Restore Issues