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产品: ​License Administrator, ​License Server
功能: 许可证管理
产品版本: 3.2, 3.3, 2022, 2023

Configuring the License Server Recovery Settings  

You configure License Server recovery settings to ensure that the License Server restarts if it unexpectedly stops. 


License Server manages the administration of EcoStruxure Building Operation software licenses.

An EcoStruxure BMS running with EcoStruxure Building Operation Software licenses must contain at least one License Server. Use one License Server on every computer that runs a feature that require an EcoStruxure Building Operation software license.

License Server is a Microsoft Windows service named Building Operation License Server.

Configure the License Server to automatically restart if it unexpectedly stops. 有关更多信息,请参阅 Configuring the License Server Recovery Settings   .

You can access License Server through a web interface. 有关更多信息,请参阅 Accessing License Server Using the Interface .

With a default installation, the License Server port range is set to 27000-27009. A valid number is any unused port between 0 and 64000.

If the License Server uses other ports than the default port range 27000-27009, the port has to be added in front of the @ in the License Server address on the WorkStation, Enterprise Server, or Client tools.

To configure the license server recovery settings
  1. On the computer running License Server, open the Services management console.


    In Windows, open the Run dialog box and type services.msc .

  2. Right-click Building Operation License Server .

  3. Select Properties .

  4. Click the Recovery tab.

  5. In the First failure box, select Restart the Service .

  6. In the Second failure box, select Restart the Service .

  7. In the Subsequent failures box, select Restart the Service .

  8. Click OK .

  • License Server