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产品: AS-C, AS-B, Enterprise Server, AS-P, Project Configuration Tool
功能: 基本功能
产品版本: 1.8, 1.9

Importing a Backup Set to SmartStruxure Server Device

You import a backup set from a network storage location to restore a replacement SmartStruxure server device, or to replace a lost or damaged backup set.


You import a backup set from WorkStation to replace a lost or incomplete backup set, or to add a backup set to a new SmartStruxure server. Building Operation stores a local backup set for an Enterprise Server or SmartStruxure server devices under the Local folder in the Backup Sets folder. However, the system handles the storage of backup sets based on the type of SmartStruxure server. For example, a SmartStruxure server device stores only one backup set at a time. Therefore, the system overwrites the previous backup file with the latest file. If there is no file present, Building Operation adds the backup set to the Local folder. In a multi-server system, the Enterprise Server fetches and stores the latest backup set for each SmartStruxure server device in a separate directory in the Backup Sets folder. In addition, the system can store several backup sets for each SmartStruxure server device as well as multiple backup sets for the Enterprise Server.

action_zoom_plus_stroke Import backup set from WorkStation to SmartStruxure Server Devices or Enterprise Server
图: Import backup set from WorkStation to SmartStruxure Server Devices or Enterprise Server

Importing is a three-step process: logging onto the SmartStruxure server, importing the file, and then restoring the SmartStruxure server. First, you log onto a SmartStruxure server in WorkStation. You then import the selected backup set from a network storage area. Finally, you restore the SmartStruxure server.

You can only restore a SmartStruxure server using a backup set that was created with the same software version on the same SmartStruxure server (including service pack). To help identify the usable backup sets, the system displays the compatible files in black text and the incompatible files in red text. If you select an incompatible backup set to restore a SmartStruxure server, no backup set displays after importing.

To import a backup set to SmartStruxure Server Device
  1. Log on to the SmartStruxure server device to which you want to import a backup set.

  2. In WorkStation, in the System Tree pane, select the SmartStruxure server device.

  3. On the Actions menu, click Restore .

  4. Click Import Backup Set .

  5. Click OK .

  6. Select a valid backup set that is stored on a file system and click Open .

  7. Click Close .

You can now restore the SmartStruxure server device with the imported backup set.

  • Restoring the SmartStruxure Server
  • Restore Options Dialog Box
  • No Restore Files Display After Backup
  • Backup Set Import from WorkStation