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产品: WebStation
功能: 趋势
产品版本: 2.0, 2.1, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 2022, 2023


You save the trend chart settings if you want the trend chart to be displayed the same way the next time you open it.


Trend charts are a way to graphically present trend logs. A trend chart can contain one or more trend logs that are represented in the trend chart by lines or bars.


action_zoom_plus_stroke WorkStation 中的趋势图
图: WorkStation 中的趋势图

WorkStation 中的趋势图导航

The trend chart contains a lot of tools for easy navigation in the chart. You can scroll or use the predefined settings to focus on the time span you want to see.

有关更多信息,请参阅 WorkStation 中的趋势图导航 .

WebStation 中的趋势图导航

The trend chart contains a lot of tools for easy navigation in the chart. You can scroll or use the predefined settings to focus on the time span you want to see.

有关更多信息,请参阅 WebStation 中的趋势图导航 .

WorkStation 中的趋势图系列

You can display the trend logs as trend log series in a trend chart in a number of ways. For example, you can change the color and weight of the trend log line, or display markers at the time where the trend log value was sampled.

有关更多信息,请参阅 WorkStation 中的趋势图系列 .

WebStation 中的趋势图系列

You can display the trend logs as trend log series in a trend chart in a number of ways. For example, you can change the color and weight of the trend log line, or display markers at the time where the trend log value was sampled.

有关更多信息,请参阅 WebStation 中的趋势图系列 .

WebStation 中的趋势图轴

​A trend chart displays the records of a trend log or an extended trend log as a series.

有关更多信息,请参阅 趋势图 .

  1. 在 WebStation 的 系统树 窗格中,打开趋势图。

  2. 在趋势图工具栏上,点击 设置 按钮


  3. 按喜好更改设置。

  4. 趋势图 工具栏上,点击 保存

  • WebStation 中的趋势图系列
  • 趋势图运作方式
  • 打开趋势图
  • 趋势图视图