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产品: AS-B, Edge Server, Enterprise Central, Enterprise Server, AS-P, WorkStation, Project Configuration Tool, WebStation
功能: 趋势
产品版本: 2023


​A trend chart displays the records of a trend log or an extended trend log as a series.

如果激活了 WorkStation 中的 实时更新 或 WebStation 中的 自动滚动 ,展示趋势日志的趋势图系列会自动通过最新记录进行更新。展示现场控制器趋势日志的记录的趋势图系列需要手动刷新。


action_zoom_plus_stroke 趋势图示意图
图: 趋势图示意图


action_zoom_plus_stroke 在打开的实时趋势图中显示的展开趋势日志,会频繁将趋势日志的最新记录传输到展开趋势日志。
图: 在打开的实时趋势图中显示的展开趋势日志,会频繁将趋势日志的最新记录传输到展开趋势日志。


action_zoom_plus_stroke 当两个展开趋势日志以系列方式连接趋势日志和趋势图时,最新的趋势日志记录不会在实时趋势图中显示相同的短时延迟。
图: 当两个展开趋势日志以系列方式连接趋势日志和趋势图时,最新的趋势日志记录不会在实时趋势图中显示相同的短时延迟。


action_zoom_plus_stroke 如果未记录值,则趋势图会绘制虚线。
图: 如果未记录值,则趋势图会绘制虚线。

趋势图支持趋势图标题的相关属性参考。您可以重复使用趋势图并使趋势图标题随着粘贴、复制、导入或移动趋势图动态地变化。趋势图的图表标题属性是趋势图标题的第一部分,趋势图的描述属性是趋势图标题的最后部分。比如,在相对属性参考中,'../../NAME' where '../' 代表文件夹或容器对象。




In a trend chart, a series can be presented as a line, discrete line, digital, or bars. In a trend chart, series can be presented in different colors and with different line weights.

In WorkStation, in a multi trend log list, series are presented as text and can be exported to .XML or .CSV.

有关更多信息,请参阅 Trend Series .

WorkStation 中的趋势图轴

​The x-axis of the trend chart represents time. The time span of the axis can be set with a fixed start and end time or with an end time relative to the present time. The axis can be quick-scaled to show the last hour, last day, last month, or last year.

有关更多信息,请参阅 趋势图轴 .

WebStation 中的趋势图轴

​The x-axis of the trend chart represents time. The time span of the axis can be set with a fixed start and end time or with an end time relative to the present time. The axis can be quick-scaled to show the last hour, last day, last month, or last year.

有关更多信息,请参阅 WebStation 中的趋势图轴 .


The real-time plot is a variable displayed directly in the trend chart. The real-time plot is an instant reflection of the variable, so the history of the real-time plot is lost when the trend chart is closed. However, the history is not lost for I/O points that have implicit logs where approximately 500 records of history are displayed.

有关更多信息,请参阅 Real-Time Plotting .


​In a trend chart, you can present the records of a trend log in different time zones: local time or a predefined time zone.

有关更多信息,请参阅 Time Zone Modes in a Trend Chart .


​Use a calculation method to process the records of the trend log before presenting them in a trend log list or a trend chart. The original records in the trend log are not affected by the calculation method. The calculation method is applied to the trend log records grouped by a specific time interval.

有关更多信息,请参阅 计算方法 .


When a calculated value for a period is presented, the middle of the period is used as the timestamp.


The calculated value for the period 8:00-9:00 is stamped 8:30. If there is a value at 9:01, the next period is 9:00-10:00, which is stamped as 9:30. The full period may not have passed yet, but the value can be presented even if parts of the period are in the future.


​To display a trend log without creating a new trend log list or trend chart, the trend log can be displayed in a temporary list or chart.

有关更多信息,请参阅 Temporary Trend Charts .



有关更多信息,请参阅 Multi Trend Log Lists .