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Produits : AS-L, AS-B, Enterprise Central, Enterprise Server, AS-P, Project Configuration Tool
Fonctionnalités : Fonctionnalité de base
Version produit : 2.0, 2.1, 3.0, 3.1

Shortcuts Overview

arrow1_rotationShortcut Functionality arrow1_rotationShortcut Targets arrow1_rotationUser Access to Shortcuts and Targets arrow1_rotationShortcut Creation arrow1_rotationShortcut Presentation

In the EcoStruxure Building Operation software, you can create shortcuts to objects in the System Tree pane. A shortcut is a link to a target EcoStruxure BMS server, folder, or other object and is simply a pointer to an object which acts as if it is that object.

  • For the purposes of this discussion, examples of objects in the System Tree pane are EcoStruxure BMS servers, folders, graphics or points.

As an example, you might want to view, in one place, the open or closed state of the security doors in all of six different buildings on a site. However, the digital input objects representing door status (open/closed) are distributed throughout the System Tree pane on a building-by-building basis. To implement the required view, you could create a folder in a convenient place in the System Tree pane, and within the folder, create shortcuts to all the (door status) digital input objects in all six buildings.

As another example, you could create a shortcut to an existing EcoStruxure BMS server or folder complete with its internal objects.

You can create shortcuts in any EcoStruxure BMS server or folder in the System Tree pane (except for the System folder). You can also create shortcuts to other objects (such as graphic objects) and points (such as analog and digital values).

Shortcut Functionality

When you click on a shortcut to an object in the System Tree pane, the appropriate view for the target object (such as a graphic or a properties dialog box) is displayed. If you view the Properties of a selected shortcut, the properties shown are always those of the target object. However, if you view the Shortcut Properties of a selected shortcut, the properties shown are those of the shortcut.

Pour plus d'informations, voir Shortcut Functionality .

Shortcut Targets

When you have created a shortcut in a folder or on an EcoStruxure BMS server using the File-New-Shortcut submenu or the context menu New-Shortcut option, you must then also assign a target to the shortcut. It is not necessary to assign a target to a shortcut after using any other shortcut creation method.

Pour plus d'informations, voir Shortcut Targets .

User Access to Shortcuts and Targets

The software permissions of a shortcut and its target object can be independently configured to enable control of user group accessibility.

Pour plus d'informations, voir User Access to Shortcuts and Targets .

Shortcut Creation

You can create a shortcut to an EcoStruxure BMS server, folder or object anywhere in the System Tree pane.

Pour plus d'informations, voir Shortcut Creation .

Shortcut Presentation

Shortcuts without targets and shortcuts to objects are non-presentation objects. By default, non-presentation objects are not displayed in the System Tree, except when selected by means of the System Tree filter. However, a shortcut with an EcoStruxure BMS server or a folder as a target is a presentation object and is always displayed in the System Tree.

Pour plus d'informations, voir Shortcut Presentation .

  • Function Overview
  • Shortcut Functionality
  • Shortcut Targets
  • User Access to Shortcuts and Targets
  • Shortcut Creation
  • Shortcut Presentation