Software permissions are used to control the access user account groups or user accounts have to Building Operation. Software Permissions are also used to control the operations user account groups or user accounts can perform on objects, such as Alarms.
Software permissions are used within a workspace, panel, or domain.
If no software permissions are configured for a user account group or user account, the user has no access to Building Operation.
By default, new user accounts have no permissions to access Building Operation.
Changes to the software permissions of a user account group or user account are applied the next time the user logs on.
Path permissions are used to give a user account group or a user account access to the objects defined in the path. The permissions configured on a path apply to all path sub-levels unless you configure new permissions for the path sub-level.
Para obtener más información, consulte Path Permissions .
Command permissions are used to control the operations the members of a user account group can perform on a category of objects in Building Operation. You use command permissions to configure exceptions from path permissions.
Para obtener más información, consulte Command Permissions .
Software permissions provide members of user account groups with certain access and command permissions.
Para obtener más información, consulte Software Permission Rules .
A user account group can comprise both user accounts and other user account groups with similar interests. By using a well planned strategy for your user account groups, you apply software permissions and polices to multiple user accounts.
Para obtener más información, consulte Software Permissions and User Account Groups .